

So you must have heard that there are two types of methods of surgery, FUT and FUE. Here Dr. Vijay Kumar (MBBS, MD – Hair Transplant Surgeon) will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of both those methods, which will make it easier for you to choose them. Choose which method in FUT or FUE. […]

Steps of Hair Transplant Steps 1. The Consultation At AWISH Clinic, all of our potential clients have to visit the clinic to consult with Dr. Vijay Kumar (MBBS, MD- Hair Transplant Surgeon). You will meet your Dr. Vijay Kumar during your consultation, who will examine your hair loss and choose the best treatment and medicines to give you the […]


5 Tips To Improved Skin Care Your skin is the foremost thing that people see in you, and that is why a proper skin care regimen is so important.  Many skincare products claim to help improve skin tone and promote a perfect complexion, but the fact is that there are no such things as instant results. An […]


6 Tips on How to Clear Up Acne? Nobody wants acne, but we are not all lucky enough to have perfect skin. We cannot all afford the pricey facials in magazines and videos. This is why I arranged together 6 tips to help clear up your acne from home! Tip #1 Stop squeezing or popping your pimples, and […]